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Additional info on Deilig er Jorden

The DANISH CHRISTMAS CAROL with translation 1. Deilig er jorden! Prægtig er Guds Himmel! Skøn er sjælens pilgrimgang! Gennem de favre riger på jorden Gå vi til Paradis med sang. 2. Tider skal komme, Tider skal henrulle, Slægt skal følge slægters gang; Aldrig forstummer tonen fra Himlen I sjælens glade pilgrimsang. 3. Englene sang den Først for markens hyrder; Skønt fra sjæl til sjæl det lød; Fred over jorden! Menneske, fryd dig, Os er en evig frelser fød! Bernard Severin Ingemann 1850 (Literal) 1. Lovely the earth, Beautiful God’s heaven Lovely the pilgrimage of the soul! Through the lovely kingdoms on earth As we walk toward Paradise with song. 2. Times will come Times shall be rolled up Generations following generations But never will be silenced the tunes from Heaven In the soul’s glad pilgrim song. 3. Angels sang it first for Shepherds in the fields Soon from soul to soul it rang Peace on the earth! People, rejoice Today is an eternal Savior born! (Poetic rendition. Gracia Grindal--it is a very difficult form and I am not quite sure about this) 1. Fair are the meadows, Fairer still God’s heavens! As we journey beneath the skies Through all earth’s kingdoms Lovely and glorious, Singing our way to Paradise! 2. Though time is passing And will be ended, All generations soon are gone. Nothing will silence All heaven’s anthem In our soul’s glorious pilgrim’s song! 3. Once all the angels Sang to the shepherds, Sang to all one Christmas morn: Peace to all people! Sing every nation! This day our Savior Christ is born!

Additional info on Deilig er Jorden
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