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The magic of Christmas with its angels, shepherds, wisemen, stars, a little baby, fills our hearts with wistful joy maybe even sadness as we remember our childhood or watch children we know be filled with its joy and wonder as well. We hear it over and over again and sometimes it catches fire in our hearts and we are back in the stable by the little boy. One of the things I marvel at every time I hear the story is how Christ changes us from the very first. Anyone who has spent significant times with a baby, knows that one is changed deeply when the baby reaches for you and wants to be held, fed and comforted. The baby draws us from ourselves toward him or her. That is exactly what Christ does for us--he draws the shepherds, the wisemen, all of us toward him and changes us simply by his presence. As he will continue to do until the end. As he says in John 12:32, when "I am lifted up I will draw all people to myself."Christmas is the beginning of that work. I hope that these hymns will minister to you and draw you toward the manger during the season. Old Testament
Isaiah 62:6-12 (8338) We heard it sounding all around:
The choirs are singing
The bells are ringing,
Sounding that Christ our Lord has come!
The Scripture tells us Christ now dwells
among his people.
The bells in steeples
Tell us that Christ our Lord has come!
The children's voices all rejoice
in what they're given--
the jew'l of heaven--
voicing the news, "Our Lord has come!"
And for his coming to our homes,
he was made lowly
to make us holy,
coming to earth to make his home!
Copyright 2012 Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. Epistle
Titus 2:11-14 (76 76 D) Haf Trones Lampa färdig 1. The heav'ns are filled with angels,
Bright stars fill up the sky;
But do we hear the music
Or see with mortal eye? Their anthems shake the heavens, unheard by mortal ear; they sing with great rejoicing,
"God's glory has appeared!" 2. In all the celebration
And even in the hush,
With candles brightly beaming amid the season's rush. can all our senses see it, that God, in flesh, is near, or hear the angels singing, "God's glory has appeared!" 3. The shepherds heard the chorus
And wondered at the song, Then ran in haste to find him-- The babe, God's only Son. By faith they could believe it, God's hidden Word made clear. With joy they could receive it, "God's glory has appeared!" 4. We hear, again, this story
And wonder, can it be That God is here smong us? Lord, give us faith to see;
we kneel beside the shepherds
in love and holy fear, and sing with all the heavens, "God's glory has appeared!" Gospel Luke 2:1-20' John 1:1-14 As the winter solstice
turns us toward the light,
so the little Christ child
breaks into our night.
Bright as any morning,
rising in the east,
Shining in our darkness,
bringing us his peace.
Though your hearts are frozen,
covered by the dark,
he will warm and soften
all your hardened hearts.
When you see the baby
sleeping in the hay,
gloomy night will scatter,
Light will rule the day.
See him reaching toward you
with his outstretched arms;
hold him, he will heal you,
Go and tell all people,
light has come to them,
in the little Christ child
born in Bethlehem.

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