These hymns, from last year's lectionary, are a week ahead of our current liturgical year, but they prepare us for Lent. 333 O Christ the Healer we Have Come https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-333-o-christ-the-healer-we-have-come 334 Up, Up, My Soul/Upp, upp, mín sál og allt mitt geð https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-334-up-up-my-soul-icelandic-hymns-of-the-passion-pass%C3%ADusálmar 335 Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-335-jesus-walked-this-lonesome-valley 336 Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart/Herzlich Lieb hab ich dich, O Herr https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-336-lord-thee-i-love-with-all-my-heart 337 My Song is Love Unknown https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-337-my-song-is-love-unknown 338 Come, Let us Go to Jerusalem/Se, vi går upp til Jerusalem https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-338-come-let-us-go-to-jerusalem 339 We Said He Was the Lord https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-339-we-said-he-was-the-christ-lord-of-all