HYMNS for Week 21 Mark 10:35-45
These are the first hymnblogs I did back in March 2020. Many of you may not have read the following blogs. I started doing them for my Bible study group at church just as the pandemic shutdowns started and then it became obvious I should do a hymnblog for a wider audience. I haven't quite gotten the form down, but here are some of the greatest most popular hymns in the canon. 1 Trust in God’s Promise/Löftena kunna ej svika https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-1-trust-in-god-s-promise 2 How Lovely Shines the Morning Star/Wie Schön Leuchtet der Morgenstern https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-2-how-lovely-shines-the-morning-star 3 Shall We Gather at the River/O hur salig at få vandre https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-3-shall-we-gather-at-the-river 4 Children of the Heavenly Father/Tryggare kan ingen vara/Ingen er så trygg I fare https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-4-children-of-the-heav-nly-father 5 Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-5-nobody-knows-the-trouble-i-ve-seen 6 Great is thy Faithfulness/Stor er din trosfasthet https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-6-great-is-thy-faithfulness 7 When Peace Like a River https://www.hymnfortheday.com/post/hymn-7-when-peace-like-a-river