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HYMN 16 All Glory, Laud and Honor

Matthew 21:1-11 Latin: Gloria, laus et honor Text: St. Theodulf (d. 821) Tune: Melchior Teschner (1584-1635) 1. All glory, laud, and honour To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring, Thou art the King of Israel Thou David's Royal Son, Who in the LORD'S name comest, The King and Blessèd One. All glory, &c. 2. The company of Angels Is praising Thee on high, And mortal men, and all things Created make reply. All glory, &c. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went Our praise and prayers and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory, &c. 3. To Thee before Thy Passion They sang their hymns of praise; To Thee now high exalted Our melody we raise. All glory, &c. Thou didst accept their praises; Accept the praise we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. All glory, &c. Tr. John Mason Neale 1854 MEDITATION Jerusalem at Passover time when Jesus arrived on the donkey must have been beyond chaotic. Thousands of people lived in or near the city, and thousands would return from around the country for the celebration. There were lambs for the Passover meal, moneychangers in the temple. The courtyards around the temple teemed with people—some estimate in the hundreds of thousands. Keeping order was first on the minds of the authorities. Pilate, the governor, knew that any spark could cause the crowds to riot out of control. Roman soldiers were discretely posted around the hotspots. They knew many Jewish people were looking for a way to cast off the Roman powers. Jesus looked to some of them like one to lead an insurrection. That Jesus rode into town on a donkey was a sign to the Jews that he was a king. (Solomon rode to his coronation on a mule.) The notion of Jesus’ kingship, however, did not disturb them the way it threatened the Romans, most of all Pilate. The religious leaders knew that accusing Jesus of being a king might convince the Romans to execute Jesus. The high priests opposed Jesus because of what they saw as his blasphemies—that he was the Son of God. Pilate, even if he thought Jesus innocent, responded to the notion that Jesus was king with evident concern. To him it was the most serious charge. He could not countenance a rival. Thus he reluctantly allowed his execution. All this glory ending in such ignominy. Our Palm Sunday parades with palm branches and glorious singing are always mixed. We know that in a few days, the same crowds hailing Jesus as the Son of David will cry, Crucify him! Waving a palm branch always makes me wonder what I would have done on Good Friday? Jesus knows our issues as he passes by and hears our hosannas. Despite our failures and betrayals, he still goes forward to the cross to be crucified as a king for us. He looks powerless on the cross. How is he king? His death and resurrection defeat death, sin and the devil. Jesus rules over a realm that nothing can destroy. Not the brutal soldiers nor Pilate, nor the religious authorities, nor our fickle praises, nor the virus, not anything. He died to give us citizenship in a kingdom that will have no end. A truth that gives us joy and confidence on this day even as we miss gathering together with our congregations. He is King over all. Sing Hosanna! HYMN INFO The hymn is one of the oldest in our hymnal. It is said to have been written in 820 by St. Theodolf of Orléans (ca. 750-821), a bishop in Charlemagne’s realm. The next king, Louis the Pious, viewed Theodulf as a traitor and put him in prison where he languished. Some time during his imprisonment, he wrote this hymn. One Palm Sunday as the king was processing by the prison he is said to have heard this hymn coming from the jail. He was so moved by it, he decreed it should always be sung on Palm Sunday. We still follow King Louis’ decree twelve hundred years later. The tune comes from a later time and is used for several other texts, but this is the one we sing on Palm Sunday. Enjoy these grand videos of the song being sung in cathedrals, and pray for the day when we can join again in such celebrations! LINKS King’s College Choir and congregation Choir and congregation with children’s choir waving palms/fun

HYMN 16 All Glory, Laud and Honor
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